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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Went to Church, Singing Jitters

Went to church and sang heartily. A good thing about singing in church is that you can sing out loud without worrying about neighbours. Got to clear my voice, I got to perform my poem today. They said in the church choir that my voice didn't suit any of their classifications: Bass, tenor, alto, or, soprano. Rubbish! Grr! I think my voice is a cross between tenor and alto. Don't know much about music but I sing by the ear. Got to bawl out my poem today, come out with my voice from somewhere deep so God help me.


Anonymous said...

i am sure you will be fine!! tell the church choir that your voice is tenolto, new classification!

Jon said...

Hehe...i love the way western choir sings...but my voice is a drawl of bass...
I have no chance ...