
Friday, April 15, 2011

Independent's Foreign Fiction Prize 2011; Rejoice My Own Dastardly Critics!

Apropos of this blogger's this report about Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2011 which is awarded to translations from world languages into English here's what Boyd Tonkin has to say (rather cheerfully, I might add):

"Our half-dozen contenders not only span a rainbow of subjects, styles and genres. They showcase the translator's art at its most subtle and forceful. Every one of the 15 works on the long-list kept vocal and persuasive champions on the judging panel (made up of Harriett Gilbert, MJ Hyland, Catriona Kelly, Neel Mukherjee and myself). Each judge saw novels that they valued perish in the flames of debate. Those that survive have truly fireproof virtues."

"Each judge saw novels that they valued perish in the flames of debate. Those that survive have truly fireproof virtues." Isn't that nice words to hear for a writer? It surely is. That's the spirit of a literary discovery through a prestigious prize. Wonder if anyone from India has submitted their works for this prestigious prize. I also wonder if our own Sahitya Akademi is doing enough to encourage translations from our local languages. If you query them you get a lot of feedback, of the silent variety. I sent them some poems and all I received was not an acknowledgment but an eloquent silence. Maybe, my poems aren't good enough, or what? Rejoice my own dastardly critics.

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