
Friday, April 15, 2011

Meenakshi and Shobhaa in Singapore

One thing about being a writer is the chance to travel. Or, so it seems. Writers Shobhaa De and Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan attended a festival of some sort in Singapore and here's Meenakshi's report. Guess women have all the fun. Nobody wants a wannabe author-cum-blogger. Sigh!

Speaking of Shobhaa's blog, heard the latest? Shobhaa De's blog was hijacked. Read the gruesome details here!

Incidentally, I scanned through both writers' blogs but didn't find a mention of the name of the Festival, Conference, Seminar, whatever, they attended in Singapore. Please to be informing which Festival it be to this humble peasant giving you public-city through his blog!

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