
Monday, March 08, 2010

CP on Indian Feminism

I am a great admirer of friend C.P.Surendran's writing. He has a knack of getting down to the root of issues with perspicacity unmatched in any writer I know. He also brings a fresh perspective on problems and issues which are muddles inside my head. Here's his take on the feminist movement which appears on Facebook:

"Between these two ends of the spectrum, what we do have is a movement for lifestyle, where smoking, drinking and late night clubbing have taken on parodic gravitas. Feminism as Freaking Good Time. For, when it is all boiled down, what women seem to be fighting for is equal access as men for the pleasures of a material culture. A female Utopia where they can be as men, if not men themselves; as predatory and perhaps as lumpen. The masculine as the final destination of the feminine."

Guess there's substance in what he says.

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