What I consider the height of bad manners: carrying a back pack in Bombai's crowded local commuter trains. More and more people are carrying these unsightly contraptions to office these days making me wonder if they are on a picnic, or something. Yeah, so many of them have these over-size back packs. I see them lumbering, back arched, head down, but they would insist on carrying a weighty bhoj on their behinds. I guess they contain their heavy laptops, books, and a lot of junk that can be safely discarded. My main complaint is that, okay, okay, they may be showing off their athletic bodies, hm, and abilities to carry such monstrosities, but, hello, people, it takes the place of two people in trains. And, a man carrying a big burden on his back is himself uncomfortable, besides he makes others uncomfortable too.
So these back-packers (a term I invented) need to explore other areas of carrying their outsourcing/financial services/banking junk and debris. Any ideas?
"what do you have in your backpack?" asks an earnest george clooney in his latest film. well, seeing the nervous reaction of govt officials to the humble pack, i will join any anti-backpack movement! not only does it take up the standing space of one weary commuter, it also presses painfully into one's anatomy if you don't happen to be carrying one! the most frightening image of a back-packer? the 26/11 footage showing the terrorists moving with great ease with all their equipment in the backpack. so, in answer to clooney's question, "nothing of any value, just our survival kit".