
Sunday, March 07, 2010

Post-birthday Blues!

Wishes have been flowing in, around 105 of them, not a bad number considering I have 1000 friends on Facebook. What started by muddling around, messing with the links has turned into a journey of discovery. I have reconnected with school friends, college friends (not many), extended family of cousins and their children. The message is the same: love me; hate me, but don't ignore me.

As I was telling our priest – Rajesh achen – who dropped in yesterday, there was a time when busy work schedules and migration and split families and friends and scattered them in different parts of the world. Today with the help of social networking sites – such as Facebook – they are coming back and meeting each other. What was termed "schizophrenic polarization" is now "miraculous discovery of roots" – or something close. Get me? This confirms my belief that we need each other more than anything else. We are social beings after all. When our forefathers gathered in the jungle after foraging for fruits and nuts, scared of the dark and the nightly terror of wild animals, they only had their dependence of each other and their networking and consensus-building skills to help them face more powerful adversaries.

Today this world has problems which can be overcome by networking, positive interaction, peaceful protest and intelligent discourse. I am – perhaps I am a bit too idealistic – a firm believer in this. But, honestly, when the will exists the way manifests itself.

Hm. Back to working on my writing. Thanks for the overwhelming birthday greetings. What to say, am overwhelmed.

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