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Monday, January 23, 2012

Hari Kunzru on Why He Read from Rushdie's Novel at the Jaipur Literary Festival

Here's Hari Kunzru, US-based author of Indian origin, defending why he read from Satanic Verses at the Jaipur Literary Festival.

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.


Divya Knows said...

It is such a shame for India for ban Rushdie in such a way. He is such a powerful writer. No country should have the right to ban someone's thought process and independence of thinking. Jaipur festival is for solidarity but banning writers and sending them off is a shame. 

Divya Bhaskar

John P Matthew said...

Hi Divya,

Yes indeed it is a shame how the Indian government is not willing to listen to Rushdie. Many people who have read the novel feel there is no content offensive to religious sentiments in it. If only Rushdie could clarify this to people who have not even read the entire book.