
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hessel's Booklet "Time for Outrage" Makes Waves

Time for Outrage is a short pamphlet written by a certain Stéphane Hessel which has sold a million copies in France and is making waves. I came across this piece of literature in this review in the "complete-review." Besides, it is selling well on Amazon, too. Hassel is former member of the French Resistance, a holocaust survivor and diplomat who helped draft the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. He is now a nonagenarian and calls on the youth of France to show their outrage in the spirit of the French Resistance. 

Funny thing is, some of the things he says is what I have ranted about on this very blog. So I find a review (which appears here) an interesting read. To quote him:

"the power of money" -- which "has never been as great and selfish and shameless as it is now"

Further he goes on to state:

"Look around you, and you will find things that vindicate your outrage (...) Seek, and ye shall find!"

Hessel closes his pamphlet with the following exhortation to the French Resistance veterans:

"...continue to call for 'a true peaceful uprising against the means of mass communication that offer nothing but mass consumption as a prospect for our youth, contempt for the least powerful in society and for culture, general amnesia and the outrageous competition of all against all."

Interesting. Will try to get the full text.

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