
Monday, January 17, 2011

Singing: "I Want My Freedom" at a Caferati Meet

Just a small post to mention that I sang "I Want My Freedom" at the Caferati read meeting at Devika's place in Andheri West (have a look by clicking the link). It's a song about Freedom and what Freedom should mean to young people. I got there in time despite a traffic snarl and three changes of vehicles: bus, train and rickshaw. I may also mention here that I got a good response to my song which I accompanied with my tambourine. "A very 60s sort of song," "You have a nice voice," are some of the praise I got. Songs speak more than poems because they touch people with its rhythm and music. Our ancestors used to sing songs and dance whenever they had an occasion for it, till, till, something came , don't know what, and made them self-conscious.

Might I also mention that I wrote, composed, memorised, rehearsed, and performed it. I compose songs without musical notation - by ear. I have this superstition: Being a Piscean tunes come easily to me when I am beside water. Hm. I compose easily when I am bathing. I actually wanted the chorus to be sung by all present but that would require a projector, which I don't have.

Anyway, good attempt. I have also sung at the Kala Ghoda Festival and the Blue Frog Poetry Slam. Hope this is a new beginning which takes me further to integrate my poetry with song and music. Wish me luck! Sorry, I don't have a picture to share as none were taken.

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