
Saturday, January 15, 2011

An Excerpt from My Forthcoming Novel

Here's a small excerpt from my forthcoming novel "Mr. Bandookwala, M.B.A., Harvard: "What does the future hold for men and women shamed into submission?" Shame is a powerful weapon in the sub-continent. We are experts in shaming people with our false accusations and allegations and bringing them to their knees in submission. Therefore the phrase "shamed into submission." We use it very often: in society, in the office, in corporations. We still haven't outgrown the idea of shame as a weapon. Have we?

Meanwhile, yesterday I walked into Belapur station and found tiles missing from an entire wall. Here's a picture. The tiles had been neatly dislodged and taken away and must have been laid in some home nearby.

Hm. I have heard of Vandals stealing from enemy territory, not of Vandals stealing from its own government and railway. Such meanness! Such misery!

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