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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The New Indira Gandhi International Airport

The new Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi is the eleventh largest in the world, so says this article in Wikipedia. Last time I passed through the terminal it was in terrible shape and there was confusion all around and the airline staff was in a surly mood. At the boarding gate a very assertive lady of a publishing persuasion (whom I know through telephone calls and emails) was insisting, "Open the gate now (read it here)." The girl manning the gate (sorry libbers, there's no word called "womanning") was almost crying.

So I hope things are improving, and "all will be well" (shades of 3 idiots here) with the IGIA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it don't matter if the new IGI is the 12th largest airport, it will always rank quite low in efficiency. it is the same story everywhere where western creations meet indian implementation. the apartment structure: india doesn't provide rubbish chute, piped gas, basement carparks, swipecard security (at gate and door), telephone taxis, security cameras in lifts, pedestrian crossings, lane change indicators in cars. the list is a mile long.