
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Three Deaths in the Family

This is a bit disturbing. I am kind of like, "what?" A cousin died, then the sad news came of another death in the family, and, upsettingly, another. That's three cousins in a week. Oh God! I don't know what to say. Could it be the heat? Hm. The heat's a bitch. Perspiring as I write this. Writing comes out of effort and the effort should show. Forces a wry smile. Could it be the shock? Could it be that it shows how our lives are all linked in a chain of mortality, so that if one link disappears, the rest of the chain is also affected, insidiously, inexorably?

I felt a tad unsettled yesterday. No, no, no, you can't die. Not possible. We all had grown together, except for a cousin whom I hadn't met very frequently. When mother died, her trusted companion and help died within ten days. Oh, that reminds me I just offered condolence online to a friend who lost his father.

Weird. Of all the things to be said about death, the least is said about a honourable and painless death. The cousin who died recently - P.K.Zachariah - did that, in the full flow of life - he was in the process of setting up three places of worship in the rural areas of Marathawada - so I am told. So much dynamism flowed out of him, so much energy to accomplish things. He could take all things with a smile, a largeness of heart and fortitude. My heart goes out to his immediate family, whom I have known all along. Hope and pray that you all are safe out there. The only thing we can do is live an active life and hope. Hope and expectations for you all.


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