
Friday, April 23, 2010

Posting from the Outskirts

It’s amazing how the interiors of India are still stuck in a different day and age. I am in Solapur, the textile town, but the television channels are all local or south Indian, as if the rest of India didn’t exist: Surya, Asianet , Doordarshan, local Marathi channels. Nothing much to write about except that it’s hot, a dry kind of heat. The train ride by Siddheshwar Express went without event, as I was slumbering in a brand new coach: no dirt; no stain; little pouches to keep glasses, mobile; blanket, sheets and pillow. Ah, what comfort, I felt like I was in the lap of luxury. Going to be a short one as net isn’t very reliable and have a busy schedule ahead.


  1. Correct - very correct.
    Interiors visit - The best always.
    Have a nice tour...


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