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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Poor, Poor, Amitabh and His Affliction

In this blogpost Amitabh Bachhan talks about his affliction on his blog. I remember, when this accident happened on the sets of Coolie I was on a trip to Kerala. I took a gatefold picture of Amitabh from a film magazine I read on the train and pasted it on the wall of my room in Puliyelil Fieldview, Kidangannoor, my home in Kerala. I used to pray everyday for Amitabh's recovery during my stay there (as I used to lead my parents in prayer, their eyesight being poor). I loved this guy (still love him) and have watched him grow from the time he was featured in Star & Style as a promising new comer along with actors like Kiran Kumar, Benjamin Gilani, Raman Kumar, etc. Remember them? Kiran Kumar still acts in serials. But the talented Bejamin disappeared. Don't know whatever happens, some people just disappear from consciousness and some people stay.

Like Amitabh. He is the biggest brand India has produced, in contemporary times.

Amitabh recovered. (Thanks to my prayers, I hope. But, to be modest, it was the combined prayers of the whole nation. Not to mention his tremendous patience and holding power.) But now it turns out he has cirrhosis from some infection that developed during the surgery that was performed after the Coolie incident (Incidentally, in the film, which I saw, they stop at the spot where he had that accident, sort of gimmickry, I guess). Some events in life turn out to be thusly. We can't do anything about it. And we wonder whether we could have done anything to avoid the particular instant when it happened. I admire Amitabh for his patience, his air of calm, his delivery, his acting skills. Most of all his writing skill and style. Wah, bhai, wah! He writes so well, he puts me, a wannabe, to shame. It is said he maintains files of his characters which he studies before giving a shot. I once watched a raw shot of him arguing a scene with the Manmohan Desai. So vehement was he that poor Jaya Prada who was his co-star in the film was almost in tears. Here's a committed actor, one of our best, who knows his job and does it well.

That's Amitabh. Thank God for hearing my prayers and saving him.


Anonymous said...

Only few people are able to solve questions existing within And He is one of them. He knows how to win self And may be that is why He has won our hearts too.

Anonymous said...

i know he is a star, megastar. but it was painful watching him in "baaghban" as a frolicky senior citizen. wonder why he never protested and discussed his role with ravi chopra. similarly, in ram gopal verma's "aag". he has enough clout to turn down incompetent scripts. loved him in "aladin" and "dev". poor puneet issar, mr bachhan recovered from the accident to go on to more glories, but puneet was discarded as the one who harmed the god and his promising career ended before it began.