
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kala Ghoda, Yesterday

Yesterday at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Literary Section, Facebook and Twitter friend Sidin Vadkut stole the show, as did friend Manjul Bajaj along with three other authors, I don't remember names too easily, and forgot to take notes. The way Sidin was mobbed I guess he is on the way to stardom, fame and glory. I am glad. By the way, he doesn't look at all like the Twitter picture of him, he is more rounded. I mean he is nicely rotund, not mean and lean like his Twitter caricature would indicate. Hehe. I had told Manjul I would attended and ended up asking Dhara if she was Manjul. Oh, God, what a gaffe, sorry, Dhara. Also met Kareena Merchant, Jugal Modi and Hemant Suthar. Not name dropping, only recording their presence. **Grin**

The discussion was moderated by Samit Basu (another Facebook and Twitter friend, to whom, I couldn't say hello, as I was caught up in a kind of whirl) who said "I am saving up for my cosmetic surgery" when an author (I think, Bulbul Sharma) mentioned that authors can be marketed better if they are better turned out. That was good Samit, I too am. Manjul had a word for struggling writers trying to find publishers. She said, to the effect, "Don't give up, if a publisher rejects you, polish and resubmit, and don't hesitate to make changes they suggest."


Now that the festival is drawing to a close, yesterday witnessed huge crowds because of the holiday, I guess. There was no standing room as I, Manjul, Jaggi and Deepti Chavan went for a stroll in the "fair ground," actually it was more like a "mela" or fair, than an "arts festival." Don't quote me, I am quoting someone. The stalls and shops couldn't be accessed because of people standing five and ten deep. Lot of firangs too, toting fancy-looking cameras and tripods. Guess Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is making its mark, on the world scene. Why not have a separate literary festival at Kala Ghoda, only for literature? Yes, why not?

1 comment:

  1. I felt the was more of a Mela than the art fair..I even got my sketch made there :D will upload it on my blog soon :)


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