
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kala Ghoda Today

On hind sight, what I said about yesterday here about the festival being a "mela," you know, sort of Kumbh Mela where you can get lost – remember the brothers/sisters getting lost in movies? – proved to be genuine yesterday. I told a friend and former colleague to be there one minute and the next he was lost in the swirling crowds. When I phoned him he was safely ensconced in the Max Mueller hall watching a cinema, "couldn't resist," he said.

Today want to catch on the following:

  • Murder – Movie – 4 p.m. (Cama Hall) There's a Literary Quiz happening concurrently at the BNHS happening at 4.30 p.m.
  • Symphony Music – 6.30 p.m. (Asiatic Library Steps)
  • Visual Story Telling – 8 p.m. (David Sassoon Library Garden)

There are lots happening at the same time, too hectic for you to catch everything. That why Kala Ghoda Association should break them up into individually focused festivals over a period of the year.

See you there. If, you are there.

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