
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How a 24-year-old Saved the Silent Valley, Kerala

Here’s it in friend and bum-chum Gangadharan Menon’s own words how he persuaded Indira Gandhi to do something about Silent Valley which was going to be turned into a hydro-electric project back in the 1980’s. The article has been published in Sunday Mid-Day.

I quote his words:

“We screened the film for Mrs Gandhi; and after seeing for herself the richness of one of India's untouched natural treasures, she patted the back of a stunned 24-year-old [Ganga was 24 years old then. Now he has the flowing beard of an Albus Dumbledore] and whispered in his unbelieving ears: 'Don't worry, son! This will be declared a National Park!' And it was, in the year 1984!”

It’s miraculous how a 24-year-old can save the eco-system of an entire valley by firmly believing in what he is doing. A lesson for all young people, I guess. Friend Ganga, besides being one of India’s top-most ad copywriters, is doing his best for the younger generation, as a teacher and mentor in various fine arts institutions in Bombay.


  1. this is inspirational John.we can truly be masters of our destiny, if we truly believe in what we do in life.Atleast to some level.TC:)

  2. Yes, zillion. Ganga did a noble act, and he is such a down to earth person.



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