
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

DNA Covers Caferati Meet

Had a great time at the Caferati meet on Sunday, the day before. S. Surekha was there to cover it for the daily newspaper DNA. Here's the link. Quote:

"Caferati arose out of the need to meet, listen to each others works', be appreciated or get feedback. It was initially called the Bombay Writers Club (BWC), but renamed Caferati, about a year after its inception in 2004. John Matthew, a corporate communications person and a member of the forum for the last four years, says, "Writing is a lonely profession. There is a need to share it with like minded people. I have benefited greatly from the forum. It serves as an outlet for my creative works.""

It's Bombay Writers' Cafe not Bombay Writers' Club, Surekha. Anyway, feels nice indeed for the ego to be stoked thusly.

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