
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Johnwriter’s Literary Show!

Now for some back thumping! By my good old self, of course! I have added audio files to my blog. You can click and listen to writers speak about their books, promote them, read them, whatever it takes to foster the literary spirit.

So click on the links below “Johnwriter’s Literary Show” on the right hand links capsule of my blog. For a start I have Amitav Ghosh speaking about his new novel “The Hungry Tide.” This audio is courtesy Christopher Lydon.

I am off to Kerala for another visit, personal as well as writing. Hope to cover the backwater experience for my forthcoming travelogue on Kerala called “To God’s Own Country.” A friend operates a service from Alleppy to Kottayam. I have persuaded him to offer me a discount. So I wouldn’t be posting on this space for about a week.

But do come back and check for random postings from Kerala, from a “kettuvallom” house boat somewhere on the Vembanad Lake.
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