
Friday, June 30, 2006

Shakespearean Globe Theatre, still alive, and performing!

Photo: courtesy Shakespeare-globe.comThose who have seen the movie “Shakespeare in Love” would remember that the audience were shown standing and watching the plays. The Globe Theatre was at that time built by a consortium of actors, including Shakespeare, in 1599, and performed his plays. Building technology wasn’t very advanced in those days and the thatched roof caught fire and the theatre perished.

The present reconstructed Globe Theatre in London is a faithful duplicate of the open-air playhouse designed in 1599, where Shakespeare worked and for which he wrote his greatest plays. The theatre season starts in May and ends in September with productions of the works of Shakespeare, his contemporaries and modern authors.

And for trivia lovers, yes, there still is standing space in the center of the auditorium. And the fees? Pound 5!
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