
Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Resolutions I have made
Kept, I have none
Why do I have to make
Resolutions anymore?

I pause through endless time
For this year to pass
And the lights of celebration to die
On this New Year day.

Remember those magical days
When the promise of meeting
Was what held us together
Alas! No more!

Years just flow by
As water beneath bridges
Gathering speed towards
The great sea of immortality.

There you and I
Will rest our weary heads
On the bed
Of our broken promises.


  1. I like this one a lot! Beautiful piece :-)
    I love this line:
    "Years just flow by
    As water beneath bridges"

    In fact, I love the last two verses a lot. Keep writing!

    Rashmi :-)

  2. Rashmi

    Thanks. From someone who I consider a good wordsmith, this is flattering!



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