
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Night in Atlantis the Palm for AED 3,290

That all isn't well with the world is evidenced by this ad by hotel Atlantis The Palm in Dubai. We have been feeling the cold pinch of it quite recently, I guess. And I confess, it's not a good feeling. Hm. Apparently, the most expensive hotel in the world isn't getting any customers despite its size and majesty. Some say it's a 7-star hotel, some say the stars are more than seven. Whatever the stars what do I care?

Now Atlantis the Palm was constructed and inaugurated with great pomp and fanfare. I saw a travel program where the reviewer lives in the hotel and it shows everything on a grand scale. There are fountains and waterfalls in virtually all places (being a desert country they have a great fancy for water). There are dolphinariums, there are rooms where you can see the fishes swimming in the sea live, meaning in their natural environment. The rooms are super luxury. They are supposed to cool the soul in its serene environs and give you that much-needed verve. Unnerstand?

No? Then what happened? Why are they offering me suites for AED 3,290 (around Rs 44658.25) a night when it would cost ten times that if a customer walked in? Sure I would love to live a night there, if it is offered free of cost.

Seems like the Dubai economy isn't doing that well. Or, is it that the world economy is going through a slump?

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.

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