
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Nitty-gritties of Self Regulation

Some reasons why I think we can't self regulate. Rather we self regulate badly. I remember my stint as Executive Secretary at Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) whose purported function is regulate the advertising industry. The government had vested it with vast powers, reporting errant advertisers, habitual offenders, punish advertisers who make tall claims, making standards work, etc.

However, please look at the highlighted areas of the news report below - or, above - in Campaign. The complaint was given in July and August 2011 and the decision on it was taken in December 2011 (as is obvious from the publication date on the magazine's masthead). That is 4 months later. By the time the ad campaign has run it course, the bad boys did their bad stuff in the newspapers and channels and the matters have been closed.

What does ASCI then do when the complaint is upheld, "Beta, please don't do it again, okay? Baba, now you can go scot free."

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.

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