
Thursday, August 04, 2011

Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia Is Going to Be the World's Tallest Tower

Kingdom Tower being planned in Saudi Arabia is going to be the world's tallest tower and is planned to stand 173m higher than Dubai's Burj Khalifa.

Reminds me of the multinational company I worked for Taylor Woodrow International, which built the tallest tower in Jeddah around twenty years ago (twenty years, my God!), which is actually the world headquarters of the Islamic Development Bank. I don't know how time filed past the gawping me so quickly. Nothing done, nothing achieved, all my dreams in tatters, all my aspirations broken. I am tired and weary. Gone is the innocence, gone is the ingenuity.

I wish for those days to come back to me, even for a little while.

Jeddah, where I lived for nearly a year, is a quiet city compared to Bombay and, cleaner. I loved to roam its downtown shopping area on my weekly holiday - Friday - looking into shop windows and enjoying the cool breeze from the Red Sea.

Am nostalgic for those days!

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.

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