
Monday, August 15, 2011

Independence Day - The Times as It Looked on August 15, 1947

The Times of India has brought out a supplement which is what the newspaper's edition on August 15, 1947 looked like, when India gained independence. The layout is black and white and basic, the content is of a bygone era of letterpress typesetting and the ink has run on the pages giving it a blurry look. 

Inside the pages are a revelation. The accompanying photographs shows how India looked like at that time. Bombay included a major part of Gujarat also. Uttar Pradesh was United Provinces. Bandra had a separate municipality. And, please see the advertising, which is a revelation. "Girls' dainty art silk frocks," goes one ad. 

Loved the idea. Thank you Times of India.

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.


  1. really a usefull collection...


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