
Saturday, July 02, 2011

Thanks Dr. Mladen Behara for Spamming My Inbox

What do you assume when you receive an email from one MLADEN BEHARA .rs is the domain name for Serbia and Dr. Behara is informing that I have been Awarded 750,000.00 BP In the British Premier Oil Plc. The guy is a doctor from the prefix on his name, so do I believe him or not? All he wants to know is the following:


Just this short email. Short and sweet. See how enigmatic they can be. Pound 750,000 is going waste, I should grab it as fast as I can provided I can give them a processing fee. No, Dr. Behara from Serbia, I don't trust you enough. Why should you be in Serbia when the money offered is from British Premier Oil England? Why should you spam my gmail inbox, the trusted email has the best spam filters? Anyway, contrary to what people think (yes, I have been accused of that), I am not that greedy for money. I am just a poor old writer, hacking a living on corporate tosh (thanks Sir Vidia for the term).

Thanks anyway for your offer. I will think about it. In any case, don't think your chances of fooling me are that good. I have been a victim of such spams before. So I know.

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