
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Spent a Quiet Sunday Listening to John Lennon and Jim Morrison

Spent a quiet Sunday listening to music. Some Jim Morrison and some John Lennon. I like their music. In those days it was music that was supposed to change lives, bring about a revolution with its fantastic lyrics. I don't know if it so today. Today's music seems so hedonistic. Okay, okay, dismiss me as some old codger, or something, reminiscing of the sixties and seventies. But, I must say, that was the golden age of English music, Indian music as well. So how was it living through the golden age of Western and Indian music? I can't say. I was too busy planning my future then.

I must say is a great site for music. I can watch music of my choice and videos too. Didn't go to church as it was raining heavily. Sat on the terrace and watched the rain. Mesmerised by the sight and I kept watching it for a long time. Didn't know how time passed. Then came down and worked on the novel. 

Things are pretty much staid. The newness of being longlisted for the Grey Oaks Short Story Competition wore away. I am now waiting for the short list. Hope I am there. So keeping my fingers crossed. It means a lot to me as nothing has been forthcoming for a long time. No good news, I mean. Wish me luck!

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.


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  2. Hi, I really enjoyed your post. Just wanted to let you know that I republished it on


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