
Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Am at Rank 920 on Pinstorm's India Influencers. Humour Me with Re-tweets

Tried out Pinstorm's India Influencers ranking to find out where I stand in rankings. Way down after the Dalai Lama, the filmy dregs, Sidin Vadakut, Shashi Tharoor and Gul Panag I stand at number 920.

Surely, not among the top hundred (I mean influencers who are the stars on Twitter and Facebook whose Tweets and Statuses are avidly lapped up) but it is nice to be among the top thousand. Mean to keep improving this as I go along.

Also if you are on Twitter search my trending topic #johnism. I have some witticisms (droll) and philosophies (stale) for your reading pleasure. Do humour me with your re-tweets and replies.

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.

1 comment:

  1. nice more..


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