
Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Girl in the Garden - A Novel by Kamala Nair

The Girl in the Garden by Kamala Nair is a novel set in America but for the most part talks of happenings in Kerala. It's about Rakhee Singh who tries desperately to save her parent's marriage. Her mother Amma is thirteen years junior to Abba and on a visit to Kerala she discovers that Amma has other love interests in God's Own Country as well. What a perfect setting for a love triangle.

Well, all I can say is it promises to be a good read and hope to get my hand on it some time. One thing it reinforces, however, is that Indian Writers in English (IWEs) find better acceptance in the West than in India. Maybe, it's that Indian writers are so involved in the descriptions of their native country because of the general feeling of displacement and yearning they feel. Of the one spell of being an NRI in my life (around a year in Saudi Arabia), I did feel an intense nostalgia about my country.

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.


  1. you do care about your country thats really good and to your literature.

  2. Hi Sunshine, thanks! It's nice to know that someone has noticed!


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