
Saturday, May 07, 2011

What If You Have Been Slapped by Google's Panda

Heard about Google's Panda update? It's a slap to those who have lots of links of their blogs and sites. I had innocently opened up my blog for comments and found that I had done the wrong thing. Search Engine Optimisers (I was an SEO once) took advantage and pasted all their back links on my blog without my knowing it and it became too cumbersome to remove them.

The result? My page ranking went down on google despite my best efforts.

Not to worry though. I have a good ranking on Technorati (a trusted site for measuring blog effectiveness) which is as follows:

Overall world ranking: 16743

Entertainment world ranking: 2280

Books world ranking: 591

The last is what I am concentrating on, being a writer and all.

Meanwhile here's Ramon Ray's article on what to do if you have been slapped by Google's Panda.

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