
Monday, May 30, 2011

Still in a Kerala State of Mind

Yesterday's post (which appears below) was written from a deep despondent state. I wasn't myself. So, please ignore the post. I have written it when I feeling particularly low. After all, I am here amn't I? Back to blogging.

Here's a picture I clicked of my brother-in-law's house in Kerala, which is a beautiful one, surrounded by abundant greenery, sort of a trade mark of Kerala. (Twitterers must have already seen this, in which case, sorry!) Though rains hadn't come the greenery is omnipresent. I am still in a daze after my visit, which is usual. The things I heard, experienced there overshadow me and my mind goes blank when I am back to Bombay. Will take some more time to get into the groove of the big bad city. So, be patient, till I get this out of my system.


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