
Friday, May 06, 2011

New India Foundation's Seventh Round of Book Fellowships

New India Foundation invites application for the following, according an article in Details here. Excerpt:

Fellowship holders (who are paid Rs 70, 000 a month) are expected to write original books that contribute to the fuller understanding of independent India.
The Foundation is ecumenical as regards subject and genre. Books could be about politics, economics, or culture, and may take the form of a memoir, a work of reportage, or a thickly footnoted academic study.
Applicants should send a c.v. , a book proposal and a writing sample of at least 5000 words to:
The Managing Trustee, 
The New India Foundation, 
22 A Brunton Road,
Bangalore 560025

I would like to say that my book is politics, economics and culture combined. But the "thickly footnoted" part jars. Is that part of the foot-in-the-mouth, something, something? One wonders.

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