
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lauren Beukes Wins Arthur Clark Award for Book Zoo City

Zoo City written by South African writer Lauren Beukes has won the UK's Arthur Clark prize according to this article in Guardian blogs. Zoo City is a story set in Johannesburg and beat many other science fiction writers (including one of her constant nemesis Ian McDonald) to win the award. Speaking at the award ceremony Beukes said, excerpt:

"I had a speech prepared and it was curse you McDonald," she said. South Africa, is an "an incredible place to live ... and write about", she added. "It's really where science fiction is. It's in the developing world, it's first world, it's third world – the way we use technology is different to the way it's used elsewhere. This book is about magic and technology and it's very special to be here."

Hm. First world and third world in one. Sounds familiar? Applies to India, too, I guess.

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