
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Books on Our Shelf We Would Like to Read, Had We the Time

How many books do we have on our shelves waiting to be read? Many I suppose. Me too. Mea culpa. I have a shelf full of the most desirable books I would like to read, if I have the time.


So agrees Italian writer, philosopher and critic Umberto Eco in this piece in Guardian.


"And yet I've a fairly accurate notion of what I haven't read. I have to admit that I only read War and Peace when I was 40. But I knew the basics before then. The Mahabharata – I've never read that, despite owning three editions in different languages. Who has actually read the Kama Sutra? And yet everyone talks about it, and some practise it too. So we can see that the world is full of books that we haven't read, but that we know pretty well."

1 comment:

  1. Good to know I am not alone. I am yet to read one of the 4 books I bought recently. A few years back an unread book was unheard of, but now, I am not getting the time.

    I haven't read War And Peace either. Maybe I will get to it this year. :-)


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