
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PEN Organises Writing Wrongs, Righting Wrongs in NY

PEN is organising The Seventh Annual PEN World Voices of International Literature, where authors discuss the core truths of coming-of-age in New York. More details here. The theme happens to be an engaging play of words, "Writing Wrongs, Righting Wrongs." Hats off to that. A lot of books would be discussed, I am sure.

The authors in attendance is also the creme de la creme: Lemon Anderson, Michele Carlo, Major Jackson, Tayari Jones, Rachel McKibbens, Jacqueline Jones LaMon, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, Salman Rushdie, Kyung-sook Shin, and more. Hat tips: Denton Taylor, moderator, SASIALIT.

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