
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Palestine Festival of Literature Is on from Tomorrow

The Palestinian Festival of Literature is on from tomorrow till 20th April 2011. Here's the program:

Fri 15th    JERUSALEM     AIDA            
Sat 16th   NAZARETH
Sun 17th  NABLUS         AN-NAJAH U      /     BALATA          
Mon 18th  RAMALLAH    BETHLEHEM U  /     BIRZEIT U      
Tue 19th   RAMALLAH     AL QUDS U            
Wed 20th SILWAN        HEBRON U

Writers participating in the festival include: Suad Amiry, John McCarthy, Asmaa Azaizeh, Akram Musallem, Bidisha,Tania Nasir, Anne Chisholm,Ursula Owen, Geraldine D'Amico,Richard Price,Najwan Darwish, Bassem Ra'ad, Peter Florence, Raja Shehadeh, Mark Gonzales, Ahdaf Soueif, Tarik Hamdan, Rima Tarazi, Nathalie Handal, Taline Voskeritchian, Mohammed Hanif, Gary Younge, Lorraine Adams, Ala Hlehel, Meena Alexander, Ghada Karmi, etc.

All the very best! Hope you have a great festival.

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