
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Interview with Author of Book Love on the Rocks

An interview with author Ismita Tandon Dankher, author of Love on the Rocks, a thriller, is here on Friends of Books blog. Excerpt:

FoB- What made you write this book?

Ismita- The real deal happened when I was just married to a Merchant Navy guy; took
a break from work and joined him on sea. But suddenly there was a realization of self
worth. A lesser known poetess as I call myself craved to pen down her own creations
and imaginations. Calm soothing environment made me do something really interesting
and the blue sea just helped to bring out the best.

A thriller written on the sea is interesting. I am a great lover of sea adventures including Herman Melville's Moby Dick and recently Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies.

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