
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ghost Writer Lynn Vincent Makes It Good - She Wrote Sarah Palin's Book - Going Rogue

They were once the pariah dogs of the publishing world. They worked in anonymity, were grossly underpaid and were treated as, what else, zeros with no halos to speak of.

But Lynn Vincent has changed all that. She is a ghost writer and ghost wrote Sarah Palin's Going Rogue. But now people are queuing up to sign her on. Says this article in Newsweek:

"This makes her (Lynn Vincent) something of a walking contradiction. In a profession full of beggars, Vincent can be a chooser, picking books that match her own conservative and Christian worldview. Usually ghostwriters are paid to stay out of the picture. But a string of staggering successes has dragged Vincent into the spotlight. With her latest, Unsinkable, about 16-year-old sailor Abby Sunderland's unsuccessful trip around the world, out this month, the professionally anonymous collaborator could achieve a rare publishing hat trick: having three books on the bestseller lists in one week—and that tally doesn't even include Going Rogue, which sold more than 2 million copies."

Now that Lynn Vincent has made it good, will the lot of ghost writers improve? There are hundreds of ghost writing opportunities on elance for which I have done work some time ago.

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