
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

At Last, I Am among the Top 1000 Books Bloggers in the World!

At last, I am among the top 1000 book bloggers in the world. I am ranked in 929th position in the world by, yes, the world. Below is the proof. I can't believe it. That's as of today. Cheers! Open the bubblies!

However, a lot of hard work has gone to come to this ranking. I mean to improve this blog from this day on, make it a one-stop reference source on all things literary. On entertainment I am in the vicinity of the top 3,000 and moving up fast. Overall, I am in the region of the top 21,000 bloggers in the world. Isn't that nice?

That means as of now I will be working very hard and featuring the following on this blog:

1. Detailed interviews with authors (I will go behind the scenes for views and opinions you will not find in traditional media)
2. More coverage of literary events both in India and abroad
3. Live blogging of events from my supposedly powerful laptop and internet connectivity
4. More pictures. (Sorry, my camera has conked off, but I will be buying a new one soon.)
5. Blurbs of books that will be in the market very soon, including the authors' photographs.

Thank you readers for making this blog what it is.

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