
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Arts Council of England Slashes Funding for Literature and Combined Arts

It's indeed sad. When the arts is suffering from a lack of audience and when only old people attend poetry readings and book readings, I wonder whether we are really progressing or regressing when the Arts Council of England has announced huge cuts in its budget for performing arts and literature. This article in the Guardian states that £19.1million has been cut and most are from the performing arts and literature. Excerpt:

• 206 bodies have received 100% funding cuts from Arts Council England
• Those cuts are worth £19.1m - compared to the total funding for 2011/12 of £310.5m
• The biggest group of organisations are in London - 49 of the 206. But London has more arts groups than any other part of the country.

Deep sigh!

I guess England is going the Indian way. Indian way? Yes. Here we artists and writers fund ourselves by slogging on our day jobs to pay for our artistic oeuvres. That's what makes me more sad. Our contribution to the world?

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