
Monday, April 25, 2011

Artists, Writers, Film Makers, Musicians, Activists Come Together for Binayak Sen

Friend and dastango Dan Husain informs on his collaborative blog ( that artists, photographers, film makers, musicians, performers and activists are coming together for the cause of Dr. Binayak Sen. For details of the program go here. Excerpt:

Justice on Trial is a collaborative programme put together by leading contemporary artists, photographers, film makers, musicians, performers, and activists to commemorate struggles for democracy, freedom and rights. An exhibition of photographs and art works, talks performances and screenings all are directed at drawing renewed attention to the trial of Dr. Binayak Sen, who has emerged in recent times as a symbol of courageous resistance, and a reminder of the many injustices that surround us. Our aim is to provoke a dialogue with the colours and sounds that emerge from the idea of what Dr. Sen represents.

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