
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aranmula Airport Taking Shape? Don't Know!

The KGS Aranmula Airport Ltd. near my ancestral home in Kerala is taking shape and is expected to be operation for domestic flights from 2012 (hopefully). Picture shows a light aircraft that has landed on the runway of the proposed airport (fair use!). The company says all the permissions are in place and the launch will happen soon. And, unbelievably, it's going to be an international airport, not just an aspiring domestic one.

The area is a sleepy village (at least was till now) and I don't know what this new development will bring. Hope it augurs well for us, as I spend most of my holidays there, in the lap of nature, in the serene tropical and sylvan retreat, which it was until now. I don't know if the scream of jets will rend the air and break the peace that prevailed till now.

However it would also cut my traveling time from 30 hours into just 3 hours. Worth the while? I don't know.

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