
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Sleepy as Hell, How Things Have Changed!

Sleepy as hell. But first some thought which I must post. 

For the past 22 years (since the time I shifted to New Bombay) I have been passing through Chembur where I have grown up and spent 20 of my best years, dreaming, heartbroken, playing, enjoying movies and books. Simple pleasures of a simple life. I like to look at the place of my childhood as I pass, remember those days. Today I was sitting at the window and I couldn't recognise Chembur as I looked out. It's all towers and housing complexes now, gone are the marshes, where the Kurla Terminus now raises it's ugly asbestos roof. There is a new highway now which connects Chembur to Santa Cruz and there is a sky walk (elevated bridge-like walking space) near the station. In the night I couldn't recognise the place. A lot of other things have changed. Two of my best childhood friends committed suicide. I do not know why.I will never find out what happened to them, why they took such a drastic step.Did life's vicissitudes drag them down into the unreturnable path? Did they lose faith and trust of their loved ones? What? What happened?

First day in son's first real job. He dropped me to the station on his bike. How children grow up and mature. It seems only yesterday I took and left him in school. Today he leaves me to the station. And he is being given a salary that is sixty per cent of what I am being given at present. How time changes things. In 1980 when I started working I drew a royal salary of Rs 300 (a benevolent sum considering a meal could be had for Rs 2). Today's salaries are much higher, though the work is more exploitative. 

Sleep overcomes. So I am off to bed. Thank you beautiful people who are reading this! I crave your indulgence.

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