
Sunday, January 02, 2011

Promises to Myself, Not Resolutions

This year is beginning with a lot of hope. Ergo, no resolutions. Problem with resolutions is once you write them down you lose interest. We are creatures of habit and by changing our habits only can we make progress. Of course before changing habits you have to change a lot of routines, unwanted interruptions. So my bag of wishes is full, some of which follow:

Complete editing of the novel (which is going on in full flow).
Complete the travelogue on Kerala (line editing remaining).
Edit poetry blog (I have been ignoring it for sometime). 
Do something in publishing (which I have been itching to do for some time).

I know these may be futile exercises. But I must complete them, and be ready when the time of reckoning comes. After all, I have made a promise to myself that I would do these things. Note: I said "promise" and not "resolution."

So, now the field is fertile for me to sow and the harvest is plenty, or, something such I read in in the world's best and number one bestseller.

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