
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yeh Public Hai, Yeh Sab Jaanti Hai (This Is the Public, They Know Everything)

Ratan Tata may be justified in seeking redress for the leakage of tapes in the 2G scam case. What's galling is the breach of trust and the free trading of information. Of course, the media is also not above board and the play of money has boggled the mind of this blogger and - he is sure - of the reading and understanding public. Somehow, despite what politicians think the public knows everything.

"Yeh, public hai, yeh sub jaanti hai
Yeh, public hai."

Sang superstar Rajesh Khanna in a film called "Roti" of yesteryears. The film released when I was in college and I attended the premier show. It means:

"This is the public
They know everything."

Crudely put. But see the meaning contained in it. I tend to content myself with the deeper meaning of such songs after I hear about the magnitude of the 2G scam. 2.75 lakh crores is beyond my imagination. If that money was used to better roads and electric supply this would have been a happier nation. 

What more shall I say?

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