
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Samanth Subramanian Wins Shakti Bhatt Prize

News is that Samanth Subramanian has won the Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize for "Following Fish" his debut novel.

Here's a review by Dilip D'Souza. I am a great fan of fish and look forward to reading the book, as I presume Dilip is too. Hope to write something about the delicate art of separating bone from fish and smacking the red dripping curry with tongue and injesting it with rice of the Kerala variety. "Meen choru" is a Kerala speciality I gorge on when I am thereabout. I am addicted to fish, so is wifey.

But, alas and alack! I don't have the time. So this note of appreciation would suffice.

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