
Monday, November 15, 2010

Fashion Gone Haywire?

Right this day and age I am witnessing two instances of fashion gone haywire:


A rather obese woman is wearing a short kurta that stops just about her waist with tights below it. Imagine! All her bulges are visibly jiggling as she waddles on her way to work. Fashion gone haywire, don't you think? Has fashion nothing to do with functionality?


A guy is wearing absurdly pointed shoes below a boldly patterned pair of jeans (creased on the side, of course). Because of the crease on the side the jeans looks grotesquely flat and bunched up at the feet. The shoes are so pointed that it juts around half a foot in front of his feet and then curves up in a big swoop. It's amusing to see him walk in this absurd accessory he calls shoes. It looks as if he is paddling with flippers attached to his feet in the sea. Yes, he is aware of this absurdity, but seems nonchalant. 

Fashion gone haywire? Can someone point out these absurdities to these two individuals? 

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