
Friday, November 19, 2010

An Endless Procession of Scams and Revelations

I am sick and tired of this scam business. It's sickening and tiring. There seems to be no respite, an unending stream of scams and scamsters. 

So how does it feel to reel from one scam to the other? Consider the following:

I am reeling. I am flummoxed. I am disturbed and angry. I feel so small and insignificant considering the magnitude of the scam (After all, where am I scrounging for a pittance while there is looting up above me?).They say the scam is so big that it is equivalent to 15 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. This proves that this country is being ruled by tyranny rather than rule of law. And most of our estates are involved in making a fool of you and me. 

And now to add a bit of embarrassment to the scribbling community comes the revelation that two top and well respected members of this community were involved with the lobbyist who midwifed the deal. What am I hearing? A senior minister is involved. 

Open magazine has exposed it here, but if you visit the website now you won't be able to. It has crashed under the pressure of millions of hits. So has this clarification from NDTV where one of the journalists mentioned works. Hm.

It also throws up issues about online media. What happens when there is an expose and the website receives a lot of hits. It would help their popularity, all right. But, what use is it if their servers crash?

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