
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Arundhati Roy on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Military Occupation of Kashmir

Here's a video of Arundhati Roy speaking on nuclear nonproliferation, military occupation of Kashmir, India's colonial aspirations. She also speaks about Coca Cola, mosquito repellents, and fairness creams. Worth a watch.

This thing struck me a bit too late. Sorry, I couldn't include it in an earlier post regarding her secession speech. When Balgangadhar Tilak was tried for sedition and lost, he said:

"All that I wish to say is that, in spite of the verdict of the jury, I still maintain that I am innocent. There are higher powers that rule the destinies of men and nations; and I think, it may be the will of Providence that the cause I represent may be benefited more by my suffering than by my pen and tongue".

When I first read this, I was moved to tears. I still am. He was the first person who raised the banner of "Swarajya" and yet we conveniently forget his contribution and worship others. We need to be an open society that recognises the need to address people's needs and aspirations and while doing that have a better and longer memory, too. Guess, I will shut up on this. Finito!

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