
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Howard Jacobson wins the £-50,000-Man-Booker prize

News is that Howard Jacobson has won the £-50,000-Man-Booker prize
news is also that his tragi-comic novel, "The Finkler Question",
triumphed over favourites Tom McCarthy and Emma Donoghue. It's
Jacobson's 11th novel and comes at the rather optimistic age of 68
(optimistic for me that is), making him the oldest winner since
William Golding in 1980.He published his first book at age 40. This
shows how much a writer has to mature before he can be considered an
author. Writing is tough business, it's even tougher in this
electronic age, even with computers and emails and blogs. Meaning
there is still hope.

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